Terms & Conditions

Agreement for Registered Medical Practitioners or Healthcare Service Providers and Others

The following terms of use shall be applicable to all users who may be registered medical practitioners or healthcare service providers, and others who may not be registered medical practitioners or healthcare service providers:

Please read the following terms of use ("Agreement") carefully before accepting. This is a legal contract between DocMode Health Technologies Limited ("DocMode") and the entity or individual using any database, software, mobile applications, content, data, materials, documentation, information, services, or websites created, published, or owned by DocMode, its affiliates, or its licensors ("web-based content"). By accessing or using the web-based content, you accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement and agree to be bound by this agreement. If you do not accept the terms of this agreement, you are not permitted to use the web-based content.

  1. License:

    DocMode, in consideration of the subscription fee paid to DocMode and your acceptance of this agreement, grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license and right to use and access the web-based content in accordance with the applicable subscription terms (as may be further provided in DocMode's separate invoice terms or any additional subscription and license terms, including, but not limited to, the master agreement, entered into by and between DocMode and you and/or your institution):

    1. Individual:

      An individual subscription permits one individual to access and use the web-based content for their own use only by accessing the software via either a computer, mobile device, PDA, or any device used to access the web-based content by using their unique username and password from any location via the internet. The number of simultaneous logins per username and password on one or multiple devices used for accessing the web-based content may range from one (1) to multiple accesses, solely at the discretion of DocMode and its policies which would be subject to revision and change on a regular basis.

    2. Standalone Workstation:

      A standalone subscription permits multiple users employed by or affiliated with you to access and use the web-based content only for a purpose related to your business by accessing the software via either a computer, mobile device, PDA, or any device used to access the web-based content by using their unique business username and password from any location via the internet. The number of simultaneous logins per username and password on one or multiple devices used for accessing the web-based content may range from one (1) to multiple accesses, solely at the discretion of DocMode and its policies which would be subject to revision and change on a regular basis.

    3. Institutional Subscription:

      An institutional subscription permits only certain individuals who are employed by or affiliated with the relevant institution to access and use the web-based content on any internet-connected computer or on any mobile device validated for such use by DocMode, but only for the clinical, educational, or research purposes of the institution. Further, access may be restricted to particular websites per the applicable invoice or additional subscription and license terms. The number of simultaneous logins per username and password on one or multiple devices used for accessing the web-based content may range from one (1) to multiple accesses, solely at the discretion of DocMode and its policies which would be subject to revision and change on a regular basis.

  2. Ownership

    The web-based content, including without limitation all copyrights and other intellectual property rights therein, are the sole and exclusive property of DocMode (or its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, or designees) or its licensors. By agreeing to this agreement, you do not become the owner of the web-based content but are entitled to use the web-based content only in accordance with this agreement.

  3. Permitted Uses

    You may print out individual articles for personal clinical, educational, or research use and/or email individual articles to a colleague, provided that the articles printed and emailed by an individual authorized user and contain in aggregate only portions of the web-based content and include an original reference and a source reference to DocMode and its copyright notice.

  4. Prohibited Uses

    Unauthorized copying, printing, distribution, or modification of the web-based content is strictly prohibited unless expressly permitted in this agreement. You may not copy any part of the web-based content for resale or commercial purposes, nor post it on public platforms like bulletin boards, websites, internet domains, or online chatrooms. Additionally, you must not use automated software means, such as search engines, robots, spiders, crawlers, or data mining tools, to access or aggregate the web-based content. Combining the web-based content with other content in knowledge banks or similar technologies is not allowed. Reverse-engineering the web-based content or including it in other software is also prohibited. You are not permitted to upload or transmit any material through the web-based content that is unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or profane. Furthermore, you must not violate the rights of others or any applicable laws or regulations. Disrupting the normal operation of the web-based content is prohibited. DocMode may electronically monitor compliance with this agreement and reserves the right to change or cancel your username and password or disable your IP address without notice if there are multiple concurrent logins, excessive search quantities, or excessive download traffic volumes. You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including Indian laws when accessing and using the web-based content.

  5. No Medical Advice

    DocMode does not function as a health care provider, and the web-based content is not designed to offer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor does it serve as a substitute for an individual patient assessment carried out by a qualified health care provider, considering each patient's unique circumstances. The web-based content serves solely for general educational purposes and should not be solely relied upon to determine the safety, appropriateness, or effectiveness of pharmaceuticals or treatments for a specific individual. It is essential to understand that the web-based content is not exhaustive and may not encompass all uses, precautions, side effects, warnings, and interactions related to pharmaceuticals or treatments. Furthermore, it may not be applicable to specific medical conditions. It has not undergone a review for compliance with national or international pharmaceutical marketing, advertising, and disclosure statutes or regulations, and its content may be subject to change without prior notice. DocMode holds no responsibility or liability for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information or services, including health care services, that you may obtain through your health care provider. For any questions about your health, including medical conditions or treatments, please seek advice from your healthcare provider or, in case of a medical emergency, promptly call local emergency services.

  6. Use Of Professional Judgment

    The editors and authors of the web-based content have diligently and carefully worked to provide diagnosis measures, treatment alternatives, and drug dosages that align with prevailing standards of professional practice at the time of publication. However, it is essential to recognize that medical standards and practices evolve as new data becomes available, and healthcare professionals should consult multiple sources to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information. To obtain the latest information, it is advisable to refer only to the most current references on the web-based content when seeking relevant data.

  7. Subscription Term

    Upon payment of the subscription fees by you or your institution, you are granted the right to use and access the web-based content for the specified subscription period. At the conclusion of this period, your usage and any associated rights, including technical support, will automatically expire, unless you or your institution choose to renew your subscription based on DocMode's most current terms. To prevent unauthorized access, DocMode may employ technology that renders the web-based content inaccessible after the subscription period concludes. Additionally, non-compliance with any term or condition in this agreement may lead to termination of your access to the web-based content.

  8. Restriction Against Transfer

    Transferring or sublicensing your right to use the web-based content, including your username and password, is strictly prohibited. This includes actions such as assigning, sharing, selling, renting, leasing, or any other means of transfer, whether by merger, operation of law, or any other method.

  9. Limited Rights Notice

    Access to the web-based content provided under contract to the Government of India is subject to limited rights. The Government of India is permitted to reproduce and use the web-based content, but solely for non-manufacturing purposes, and without disclosing it to entities outside the Government of India or its contractors, except with the prior express written permission of DocMode.

  10. Data protection

    DocMode processes personal data as described in the policy available at https://docmode.org/terms-of-services/ or any other website address that may be notified to you from time to time. This policy is an integral part of the agreement and governs the processing of personal data. DocMode reserves the right to amend or replace the data protection policy at its sole discretion, without prior notice to you. It is advisable to regularly review the latest data protection policy annex applicable to this agreement.

  11. Disclaimer

    DocMode provides the web-based content to you on an "as-is" basis. Neither DocMode nor any of its licensors or suppliers makes any warranty of any kind, express or implied, and each expressly disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, accuracy, quality, correctness, completeness, comprehensiveness, suitability, system availability, and compatibility, to the extent permitted by the laws of any states that do not allow disclaimers of implied warranties. You acknowledge that no representations have been made regarding the web-based content. Furthermore, you acknowledge that the web-based content and any information contained in the web-based Government of India content, or any communications provided to DocMode during the use of the web-based content will be transmitted over a medium that is beyond the control and jurisdiction of DocMode and its suppliers. As a result, it may be subject to limitations, delays, latency issues, and other problems inherent in the use of the internet and electronic communications. DocMode is not responsible for and assumes no liability for any delays, delivery failures, corruption of any data, or other damage resulting from such problems. Additionally, DocMode is not responsible for and assumes no liability for any technical malfunction, inability to access the web-based content, or other problems related to or arising from any third-party hardware or software, including any third-party website, application, or other platform.

  12. Limitation of Liability

    Neither DocMode nor any of its affiliates, distributors, agents, subcontractors, licensors, or suppliers will be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, punitive, or special loss or damage, including, without limitation, damages for any business interruption, loss of sales, profits, business, goodwill, or data, or for the inability to use the web-based content, even if such parties have been advised of the possibility of such damages, fines, costs, expenses, and other liabilities, and/or if the same are reasonably foreseeable. The limitations of liability and types of claims hereby limited and disclaimed shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and are intended by the parties to apply regardless of the form of the claim or action (whether based in contract, negligence, strict liability, or other tort, statute, or otherwise), and regardless of whether any limited remedy provided for in this agreement fails of its essential purpose. Each party acknowledges that this limitation of liability is a material part of the consideration provided by the other party in exchange for the rights granted under this agreement.

  13. Privacy

    You acknowledge and agree that your use of the web-based content is subject to the privacy policy available at https://docmode.org/privacy-policy/. The privacy policy is designed to inform you about the types of information that DocMode may collect from and/or about you when using the web-based content, including tools that may record interactions with DocMode and/or the web-based content. These interactions may include but are not limited to, clicks, mouse movements, hovers and scrolling, keystrokes in non-excluded fields, IP address, location, and similar metadata.

  14. Feedback

    You agree and acknowledge that (a) DocMode has the right to use any feedback you provide without any restrictions and for any purpose, including creating derivative works or commercializing such feedback, and (b) You have the valid right to provide such feedback to DocMode without any restrictions. The term "Feedback" refers to any suggestions, comments, corrections, discoveries, ideas, improvements, insights, opinions, preferences, or any other feedback you provide to DocMode in connection with your use and access of the web-based content. This includes feedback related to existing, new, and potential products, services, technology, features, and/or functions.

  15. General

    In the event that any provision of this agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall be considered omitted, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Any modifications to this agreement must be made in writing and authorized by DocMode. DocMode reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify this agreement from time to time by posting such changes at https://docmode.org/terms-of-services/. The waiver of any right by DocMode shall not be considered a waiver of any other rights, whether present or future. This agreement, along with any disputes arising from or related to it, shall be governed and enforced in accordance with the relevant laws of India and shall be subjected to arbitration as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitration shall take place in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, with a sole arbitrator appointed by mutual agreement of the Parties and conducted in the English language. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this agreement. This agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter herein, and all prior agreements, representations, statements, and undertakings, whether oral or written, are expressly superseded and cancelled. Certain provisions, including sections 2-6 and 8-15, will survive in full force and effect following the expiration or termination of this agreement, in addition to any other provisions that, by their terms, survive such events.

    The translated versions of this agreement are solely for convenience. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and any translated version, the English version shall take precedence and govern the interpretations of terms, conditions, and representations contained herein.

    If you have any inquiries about this agreement, you can contact DocMode at the following email address and telephone numbers:

    DocMode Health Technologies Limited

    Email Address: info@docmode.com

    Phone Numbers: +91 81042 82077